Student & Teacher Workshops

Build a Dream works closely with educators across Canada to encourage and empower young women to explore future opportunities in skilled trades, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), emergency response, and entrepreneurship.

All Build a Dream programs focus on:

  • highlighting in-demand jobs and the women who do them
  • connecting students to post-secondary options
  • revealing workforce expectations, and
  • helping families create a path towards a long and sustainable career

Host a Career Discovery Expo

Build a Dream has connected all of the career elements, creating a pipeline between students and employers.

We want students to #DreamBig so our popular career discovery expos feature professional women discussing their career journeys in exciting careers like skilled trades, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), emergency response, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Education partners break down the options for experiential learning in high school and post-secondary programs, and employers offer insight on what they look for in future hires.

These events are engaging, interactive, and packed with resources to set young women up for success in the workforce. 

If you want to attract more young women to your tech classes and improve their knowledge of co-op and youth apprenticeship, contact us today for availability!

“We now have a better understanding of what resources to use and we know more about job pathways that are typically dismissed.”

“I didn’t realize that I could get paid for an apprenticeship. I’m going to look into youth apprenticeship now.”

Build a Dream Career Discovery Expo Attendees

Creating an Inclusive & Accessible Classroom

Build a Dream offers educators new ways to encourage and engage with students one might not usually be able to connect with.

Student Workshops

Young women may avoid careers where they think they will be challenged or if they have not seen other women in these roles. Build a Dream workshops work to highlight women working in rewarding careers in various industries, and offer tasks to build skills while empowering and boosting confidence. 

  • Engineering & Building Confidence
  • Building #HerPower – Enhance soft skills, work towards self-efficacy and self- assurance within the classroom and the workplace
  • Shattering the Ceiling – Instill confidence, empowerment, and autonomy with a focus on shattering internatl and external bias, stereotypes, and limitations.
  • Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) + Ice Offerings

Professional Development Workshops for Teachers

Having troubles attracting women to your tech and co-op programs? Build a Dream workshops help educators gain valuable insight to improve recruitment and retention.

  • Attracting Women to Tech 

Teaching Resources

Closing the gender gap across workspaces begins with education. Build a Dream offers a variety of classroom-ready products to help schools combat gender stereotypes. 

  • #HerPowerâ„¢ Career Guide – This in-depth guide supports educators in facilitating conversations around career aspirations, skills, interests, and setting and achieving goals.

Contact Us