Category: Parents

UA recruiters talk to a student at a Build a Dream career discovery expo in Ontario.

A shifting and expanding job market means that it is more difficult to navigate today than it was a decade ago. Students in high school need to start thinking about […]

Another week of working from home begins.  For many, this has been the first time of working remotely since school and everyone is adjusting at their own pace. Among many of […]

As they’re planning for their future, we often advise young women to follow their passion. But what if they haven’t discovered it yet? At an already-confusing time of their lives, […]

By: Elisa Quaggiotto Imagine being on the playground at 8 years old. You and your friends are having a great time when you think it would be awesome to put […]

On April 2, 2019, Build a Dream transformed Bingemans Conference Centre into a career pathway exhibition. Kitchener-Waterloo is the third region in the province to invite the organization to the […]

According to the Smithsonian Science Education Center, an estimated 2.4 million STEM jobs are unfilled in 2018. With high earning potential and a solid demand, careers in STEM (science, technology, […]