Agyei Peprah-Asiase
President and General Contractor
Paradise Construction
Brampton, ON
Agyei always loved to work with his hands, “I have always had a love of woodworking, construction and figuring out how things work and fit together. I can remember as a child taking things apart and reassembling them.” In high school, he thrived in many classes, but his favourite was shop class, “I enjoyed it and really felt at home in that particular class.”
In his senior year, Agyei was one of three students selected to travel to various countries in Africa and teach skilled trades work.
Agyei continued his journey at Conestoga College where he studied Wood Working Technology. After graduating, he went to work. At the beginning of his career, Agyei encountered various obstacles related to his age and race.
“At that time apprenticeship was much more difficult to obtain. When I finally got the opportunity in a company, I had to work twice as hard just to prove my worth.”
– Agyei peprah-asiase

After working for other companies for a few years, He decided it was time to venture out on his own, “I decided to open my own company Paradise Construction Ltd.” Agyei sees his company as an opportunity to diversify the trades, “Unfortunately, it’s a mostly Caucasian men dominated field. In fact, this prompted me to start my own company. I wanted to give young men and women of colour the opportunity to also learn the skilled trade.”
For Agyei his work in construction is a personal passion, “Knowing that I’m helping families/ individuals to achieve their goals and dreams. Not only do I make a good living working as a skilled trades person, I also get the opportunity to fulfill a growing need in the construction sector.”
Agyei has more hope for the future of the trades, “In recent years I’ve noticed that the skilled trades is becoming a bit more diverse. I’m hoping for more inclusivity and diversity within new companies, that will show the youth the benefits of skilled trade work.”