Category: Education

Happy 2023! This year, we're dedicated to becoming the best versions of ourselves possible. Through lots of learning and unlearning, we're determined to make 2023 our year!

Deciding to start a career in the trades can be intimidating, but there’s so much support for you! With numerous programs, resources, and people who want to see you succeed you […]

OYAP Coordinator Mark Brotherston & coworker stand at their booth at Build a Dream London inside the Agriplex.

Young women will say that they want to make an impact with the work they do but to discover how to connect that desire to a career, spending time with […]

Choosing a career path and making decisions can be difficult, but with proper guidance and mentoring it can alleviate some of the pressure on young women that comes with navigating […]

Woman sitting with pizza boxes on her lap.

We love teaching at Build a Dream and helping to provide teachers with free resources to encourage their students to learn more about the opportunities around them.  We are offering […]

OYAP Coordinator Mark Brotherston & coworker stand at their booth at Build a Dream London inside the Agriplex.

Mark Brotherston is an Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) Coordinator for the Thames Valley District School Board. Mark shares his journey in the trades and how his career as an […]

UA recruiters talk to a student at a Build a Dream career discovery expo in Ontario.

A shifting and expanding job market means that it is more difficult to navigate today than it was a decade ago. Students in high school need to start thinking about […]

Young woman in a labl coat and safety glasses standing in front of a work bench.

Are you thinking about an internship? We’ve got internship advice for women in Canada who are looking for that ideal placement to network and build skills. What is an internship? […]

Person reading a layout diagram.

Regardless of where you are in your career path, there are different ways to build skills and grow as a professional. These include career-related workshops, professional development courses, job fairs, […]

Powerline Tech reps from St. Clair College demonstrate some of their powerline training at a Build a Dream career discovery expo in Windsor, Ontario.

In a release sent to media today, Build a Dream expressed how pleased the organization is with last week’s 2021 Budget announcement from the Government of Ontario which includes a multi-layered Skilled […]

A OYAP teacher hands a student a pamphlet at a Build A Dreamcareer discovery expo in Kitchener, Ontario.

When high school students ask, “What career is right for me?” the answer is often, “Follow your passion!”. So what if you haven’t discovered what that is yet? How do […]


“There wasn’t really a market for it but then, I became a teacher anyway.” Jenan Abderrahman is a Telemetry Engineer in Electrical, Controls and Energy Systems at Enbridge. Jenan joined […]