Recruiting Board Members for New Term

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  • Recruiting Board Members for New Term

Build a Dream is recruiting from across Canada for its Board of Directors. Do you have the time, energy, and expertise to commit to helping our charitable organization expand nationwide?

Being a member of Build a Dream’s Board of Directors provides you with a stellar opportunity to continue to shape an inclusive and diverse workforce for women. Our movement is expanding and needs your expertise to grow and reach an even larger audience. A person with different experiences and insights would be perfect to help determine whether the organization should break new ground or whether there’s still value to be gleaned from the traditional territory.

Since its inception in 2014, Build a Dream delivers specialized programs across the province to attract, encourage and empower female students to pursue careers in skilled trades, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), emergency response, entrepreneurship, politics and leadership. Today, the non-profit is 100% funded through partners who believe in promoting diversity and inclusion to strengthen the workforce. Build a Dream is able to thrive with their ongoing support and continues to offer programs that directly impact a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

The main purpose of Build a Dream’s Board of Directors is to provide management advice about the direction the organization should follow. Specific goals for this year include developing a strategy and expanding the organization’s presence across the country.

The Board will consist of a chair, vice chair, and treasurer with experience in educational, entrepreneur background, scaling, and economic development.

Board members are expected to attend meetings, participate in events, and actively support Build a Dream’s vision:

To build a gender-balanced workforce and change global perspectives on women’s contribution to society.

  • Positions begin September 1, 2020
  • Directors will hold a 2-year term
  • Attend 4 meetings per year via Zoom video conferencing (with potential follow up communication)
  • Make a serious commitment to participate actively in committee work
  • Stay informed about committee matters, prepare for meetings, and review and comment on minutes and reports
  • Get to know other committee members and build a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus
  • Actively participate in the committee’s annual evaluation and planning efforts
  • Participate in fundraising for the organization

Candidates can indicate their interest by emailing by July 20, 2020.