Take risks to transition into a new career

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  • Take risks to transition into a new career

Jenn Sadai is a Purchaser with nearly twenty years of buying experience. Jenn is currently responsible for the sourcing and inventory management of plumbing, paper, and office supplies at WFS Ltd. She enjoys learning about new products and tools that will improve efficiencies and advance Ontario’s manufacturing sector. Jenn joins Nour Hachem-Fawaz on this week’s episode of Perfectly Unfiltered to talk about career transitions and tips for companies looking to diversify. 

What does a purchaser do?

A purchaser is responsible for running product analytics. Jenn works to coordinate the sale of plumbing and janitorial products, and uses an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to track products and analyze what is needed. She says that every day brings on a new adventure: “There’s not quite a typical day.”

How do you transition into a new career?

Jenn’s career started in marketing, purchasing media, and print material before she transitioned into industrial buying. Last year, she made another leap by expanding her work duties to include plumbing products, a new area for her to expand into. Jenns advice for young women looking to make a change? “Take risks.” 

Advice for young women

Working in manufacturing means Jenn is one of the only 28 percent of women in the field. She describes her experience working in a predominantly male field as challenging but rewarding. When asked for helpful tips for women thinking of doing the same, Jenn suggests networking. She encourages women to build helpful work relationships to get their voices heard in their respective industries. 

Jenn explores work culture values, advice for companies looking to be more inclusive, and more ways young women can break the glass ceiling in Episode 20 of the Perfectly Unfiltered podcast!